AGE-GROUP RESULTS IN WOMEN'S 5K RACE 28th Mayor's Cup Presented by the B.A.A. and adidas Women's Championship Oct. 21, 2018 5 Kilometers Franklin Park, Boston, MA Timing by Granite State Race Services (see our Calendar of Races) Results questions: ================================================================================== FEMALE AGE GROUP: Open Runners Place O'All Name Sex Age Race# Time Team ===== ===== ====================== === === ===== ======= ======================================== 1 1 Emily Durgin F 24 186 16:47 NEW BALANCE BOSTON 2 2 Brenda Flores F 27 285 16:55 3 3 Katrina Spratford F 28 184 16:59 NE DISTANCE 4 4 Sydney Masciarelli F 15 158 17:04 MARIANAPOLIS PREPARATORY SCHOOL 5 5 Dylan Hassett F 25 182 17:12 NE DISTANCE 6 6 Rosa Moriello F 26 215 17:17 THE HEARTBREAKERS 7 8 Obsie Birru F 29 178 17:32 NE DISTANCE 8 9 Emma Sloan F 21 323 17:43 9 10 Emily Wolff F 22 332 17:50 10 11 Annette Melcher F 26 2 17:55 AIR FORCE WORLD CLASS ATHLETIC PGM FEMALE AGE GROUP: 40 and Over Place O'All Name Sex Age Race# Time Team ===== ===== ====================== === === ===== ======= ======================================== 1 40 Kara Haas F 48 109 19:39 GREATER LOWELL ROAD RUNNERS