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York Four on the 4th 2023

Race Details
Event Date
Race start time(s)
7:30 AM
Registration start
6:00 AM
Event Location
York High School
Event Address
1 Robert Stevens Drive
Event City
Event State
Race ID
Event Information
USATF Cert. No.
From I-95 take the York Exit. Proceed to the set of lights and take right onto rte. 1. take a left onto York Strret/Rte. 1A at the light, follow York Street to the center of Town, take a left at the monument onto Long Sands Road. After the plaza take the next left continuing on Long Sands Road. York High School is down on the left. If you get to the ocean, you went a little too far.
Older Results
Race comments
Race not held in 2020 or 2021